Jonas Hunter

The Lord of Souls
Revision as of 09:49, 14 October 2023 by ZexisStryfe (talk | contribs)


Jonas Hunter
Callsign Scion
Aliases Jon Hunter
Scion of Gabrael
Zexis Stryfe (alternate personality)
The Raven King (Future Imperfect)
Relatives James Hunter (father, deceased)
Mary Ellen Hunter (mother, deceased)
Caitlyn Larkin (step-mother, deceased)
Nicole Hunter Shay (daughter)
Tiernan Larkin (half-brother)
Aubryn Darkveil (soul-twin)
Xi Zhou Lai (mate)
Physical Characteristics
Gender Male
Race Methuselah (Lundrati)
Sire Marcus Cassian
Height 6'2"
Weight 215 lbs
Eyes Violet
Hair Brown
Arcgene Cluster POSITIVE
Place of Birth New York City, USA
Place of Death Tokyo, Japan
Current Status
Citizenship Status American
Marital Status Single
Faction OMEGA
Education University of New York
OMEGA Operative

Thanks to his ability to siphon off Animus energy from the living, Jonas is one of the most powerful modern Methuselah in the world. By using this power, Jonas has become the leader of the Melachim warriors (descendants of the original Angelus) and the founder of OMEGA. With the help of OMEGA, Jonas will do whatever is necessary to save all life as we know it.


Detailed Assessment

Jonas is a man born with the weight of the world on his shoulders. A man of opposites, Jonas often comes off as bipolar to those around him, however the cause of this is actually his need to deal with the "voices in his head" (the souls of those he has killed) which he constantly hears. Despite the constant chorus of murderers and monsters in his mind Jonas does an amazing job keeping their darkness in check, although when enraged he can sometimes become savage and bestial, giving in to those dark voices. Jonas has also proved to have a great love for humanity as a whole, which has become the driving force in his life. Jonas sometimes views himself as a monster, but one necessary in order to ensure the survival and continuation of the "normal lives" of those under his protection (effectively all of humanity). He is the man who does what needs to be done, no matter the personal cost.

Jonas is also a master of political maneuvering (and manipulation in general) despite not particularly enjoying politics. There are few people whom Jonas truly trusts, chief among those being Aubryn Darkveil and Cassandra Troy.

Romantic Relationships

Thanks to his rough human life Jonas also has a very hard time forming long-standing personal relationships and as a result gotten a reputation as being somewhat promiscuous among his female subordinates.


  • Methuselah Physiology: Modern Methuselah are in fact humans who have been infected with the Methuselah Virus. Contact with the virus restructures human physiology and results in Methuselah possessing several superhuman abilities.
    • Semi-Immortality: So long they continue to consume blood, Methuselah will not age beyond the physical state he was in when they are first turned. Methuselah who are pure-blooded (born vampires) generally stop aging in their mid-to-late twenties.
    • Enhanced Durability: Methuselah are resilient to most forms of injury (certain exceptions apply). Bullets, blades and blunt objects do little to their bodies.
    • Regeneration (Type III): In addition to being virtually indestructible, whatever damage a Methuselah does in fact suffer can be healed through the consumption of human blood.
    • Superhuman Strength: A Methuselah's base strength level is several times that of a normal human being and is considered superhuman.
    • Superhuman Stamina: So long as they continue to consume human blood, Methuselah can function tirelessly without rest or relaxation.
    • Enhanced Senses: Methuselah are much more sensitive than those of any human being. These skills can vary depending on each individual. Among the main ways that Methuselah have improved we find the following:
      • Thermal Vision: Methuselah are able to extend their vision into the infrared spectrum, allowing them to perceive heat signatures visually in order to better hunt down their prey.
      • Enhanced Hearing: Methuselah are able to perceive sounds of varying volume or pitch that are beyond the scope or traditional human hearing.
      • Enhanced Sense of Smell: Methuselah have the ability to identify scents with greater precision than the average human being. This ability is particularly useful for tracking prey.
    • Vampirism: In addition to the various mental and physical benefits that Methuselah are heir to, they also possesses the ability to turn others into Methuselah as well. Each new Methuselah is traditionally subservient to the one who "turned" them, but some strong-willed Methuselah have been known to rebel against their masters.
    • Advanced Blood Consumption: All Lundrati have the ability to feed not only from humans, but also from other Methuselah. Due to this ability other Methuselah Bloodlines view the Lundrati as predators that must be exterminated.
    • Lundrati Bloodline: All Lundrati Methuselah have limited telepathic abilities including telepathic communication with those around them and the ability to influence those with weak minds.
  • Energy Absorption: Jonas has the unique ability to absorb the Animus energy of those around him. Most of the time this absorption is passive, however Jonas is able to actively engage the energy drain, forcing rapid removal of all Animus energy from the target. As a consequence of this ability to drain the life energy of others, Jonas is able to use the energy gained in various ways.
    • Forcefield: By creating a field around his body, he is able to resist or reduce injury from non-energy based attacks by causing the object to be deflected from his personal force field. Bullets and shrapnel are easily deflected. This field does not repel gases or energy based attacks as well, though his skill in deflecting energy attacks is improving.
    • Field-Enhanced Superhuman Strength: Jonas' full strength is undetermined at this time. Objects lifted with his field-enhanced strength do not crumble under their own weight or internal stresses. As Jonas' ability to draw upon more Animus and his concentration improves, so will his superhuman strength.
    • Field Manipulation: Jonas has learned to project his force fields outward at will allowing him to engulf and surround people and objects with a force barrier. He could use this for supportive and defensive purposes like moving inanimate objects and living people around or throwing and pushing objects away from himself.
    • Force Blasts: Jonas has learned that he could project burst of Animus blasts as well. He mostly projects the energy from his hands but it is assumed that he could project them from anywhere since his forcefield emanates from his entire body. The blasts he emits have can have the concussive force equivalent to 4,000 pounds of TNT (2 kilotons).
    • Anima Weaponry: When drawing from his Anima reserves Jonas is able to create offensive weaponry from the energy within him. This includes energy walls, fireballs, and Jonas's personal favorite- the Anima Bomb.
    • Memory Absorption: When absorbing Animus energy Jonas also absorbs memories and knowledge from the victims, allowing Jonas to use this ability to learn new techniques and abilities.
  • Transformation: Jonas's body contains massive amounts of Animus energy and at will he can use that energy to transcend his vampiric form into something much more powerful at great personal cost.
    • Melachim Form: Jonas is able to ascend beyond his normal form for short periods of time, taking a form more akin to that of the ancient Angelus. This form is a great drain on Jonas and he is often incapacitated for weeks following a transformation.
    • True Animus Form: In this form Jonas's body is burned away and the result is a being of pure Animus and Anima energy. Although devastatingly powerful, Jonas has no control over when he is able to ascend into this form. The one time Jonas ascended to this form resulted in Jonas' soul being ripped from his body.
  • Abilities

    • Indomitable Will: Jonas is capable of exerting a high degree of control on his emotions and impulses. Because of this Jonas has the ability to overcome fear and resist mind control.
    • Master Martial Artist: Thanks to Jonas's ability to absorb knowledge from those he touches, he has subsequently become one of the finest hand to hand combatants ever known. Although Jonas's style of fighting constantly evolves, his primary form of combat is an idiosyncratic admixture of Dragon Style Kung Fu, Jeet Kun Do, Iron Fist, and Ninjitsu.
      • Weapons Master: Through his martial arts training, Jonas has become an expert on all melee weapons. He has displayed exceptional sword-fighting capability and proficiency with knives, sticks and various other weapons. Thanks to the mutable nature of the Reaver nanites Jonas is able to form whichever weapons he requires at a moment's notice.
      • Expert Marksman: Jonas is a skilled and expert marksman. He is skilled with throwing projectile weapons, archery and firearms.
    • Enhanced Intellect: Jonas is a brilliant, virtually peerless scientist and commander. He often uses cunning and planning to outwit his foes, rather than simply "out-fighting" them.
      • Multi-lingual: Jonas is able to speak English, Spanish, French, Latin, Japanese, Mandarin, Arabic, Sandskrit, Hebrew, Ancient Egyptian, Nephilim, Enochian, Proto-human, and possibly more.
      • Scientific Mind: Jonas has studied Biology, Technology, Mathematics, Physics, Mythology, Geography, & History; becoming an expert in each of the fields thanks to his ability to absorb knowledge. Jonas has also exhibited an extremely analytical mindset based largely in provable facts. He has little use for modern religion although with his historical knowledge he knows that most mythology has some basis in reality.
      • Political Analyst: Since the outing of the Methuselah populace by Sector Prime, Jonas has been in the forefront of the controversy. During this time Jonas has shown an aptitude for political maneuvering, resulting in Enoch being acknowledged by the United Nations as a legitimate world power.

    Strength level


    • Blood Consumption: All Methuselah are regularly required to consume a few pints of blood every few nights. Failing to do so would cause the Methuselah to weaken and after an extended period without blood seemingly perish. A Methuselah's ability to metabolize blood and their frequency of feeding usually varies however depending on a number of factors: Length of time between feedings, damage or injury to the body, resurrection from a near death state, and excessive use of their supernatural abilities and strength.
    • Animus Dependence: Jonas is dependent upon the regular absorption of Animus energy from those around him. Failing to do so would result in Jonas weakening and after an extended period without Animus he would fall into a coma like state referred to as torpor. Jonas has also shown to fall into torpor after using large amounts of Animus energy, such as after the transformation into his Melachim form.
    • Systemic Degradation: Due to the massive amounts of energy stored within Jonas's body his nervous system have begun to break down, resulting in periods of extreme lethargy and pain in which he must rebuild himself with the assistance of the Reaver nanites. As a result each time the nanites attempt to restructure his body to better acclimate to the energy levels, resulting in a drastically different anatomy compared to other Methuselah.


  • Reaver Nanites: Jonas has bonded with an ancient Reaver nanite technology that was used by his ancestor, Gabrael. Reaver is a bio-mechanical hive mind of self-replicating nanites that interacts directly with Jonas's mind, allowing him total control over the hive. Jonas often uses the nanites create near-indestructible weapons and armor as well as augmenting his own healing processes.
  • Angel's Tear: This object, often worn around Jonas's neck, is an ancient artifact of Nephilim origins. The Angel's Tear serves as the phylactery for the Angelus Gabrael's soul. It was Jonas's first contact with the Angel's Tear which caused him to manifest his Animus based powers.
  • Transportation

    • Gate Network: Jonas often utilizes Enoch's Gate Network to create wormholes which allow him to travel anywhere on Earth almost instantaneously. Jonas can control the Network via a wrist mounted computer.


    • Reaver Weaponry: Jonas has bonded with an ancient Reaver nanite technology that was used by his ancestor, Gabrael. Reaver is a bio-mechanical hive mind of self-replicating nanites that interacts directly with Jonas's mind, allowing him total control over the hive. Jonas is able to create any sort of weaponry via the nanites, although the most common manifestations include throwing knives, longswords, katanas and chain blades.
    • Ragnarok: The twin blade of Armageddos, Ragnarok is the ancient weapon of Gabrael. Although supposedly a weapon of unequaled destructive power, Jonas has as of yet been unable to unlock its full potential.
