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  • Methuselah Physiology: Modern Methuselah are in fact humans who have been infected with the Methuselah Virus. Contact with the virus restructures human physiology and results in Methuselah possessing several superhuman abilities.
    • Semi-Immortality: So long they continue to consume blood, Methuselah will not age beyond the physical state he was in when they are first turned. Methuselah who are pure-blooded (born vampires) generally stop aging in their mid-to-late twenties.
    • Enhanced Durability: Methuselah are resilient to most forms of injury (certain exceptions apply). Bullets, blades and blunt objects do little to their bodies.
    • Regeneration (Type III): In addition to being virtually indestructible, whatever damage a Methuselah does in fact suffer can be healed through the consumption of human blood.
    • Superhuman Strength: A Methuselah's base strength level is several times that of a normal human being and is considered superhuman.
    • Superhuman Stamina: So long as they continue to consume human blood, Methuselah can function tirelessly without rest or relaxation.
    • Enhanced Senses: Methuselah are much more sensitive than those of any human being. These skills can vary depending on each individual. Among the main ways that Methuselah have improved we find the following:
      • Thermal Vision: Methuselah are able to extend their vision into the infrared spectrum, allowing them to perceive heat signatures visually in order to better hunt down their prey.
      • Enhanced Hearing: Methuselah are able to perceive sounds of varying volume or pitch that are beyond the scope or traditional human hearing.
      • Enhanced Sense of Smell: Methuselah have the ability to identify scents with greater precision than the average human being. This ability is particularly useful for tracking prey.
    • Vampirism: In addition to the various mental and physical benefits that Methuselah are heir to, they also possesses the ability to turn others into Methuselah as well. Each new Methuselah is traditionally subservient to the one who "turned" them, but some strong-willed Methuselah have been known to rebel against their masters.
    • Kizoku Bloodline: Due to their heritage, all Kizoku Methuselah have the ability to manipulate the dark mystical arts, and the most powerful of the Kizoku become particularly well versed in the necromantic arts.