This documentation is transcluded from Module:DPLlua/doc. Changes can be proposed in the talk page.
Module:DPLlua is required by
Module:DPLlua uses Module:DPLlua/Helper to make it possible to include all parameters of a template while maintaining good performance. See Module:DPLlua on RuneScape Wiki for more details.
-- <nowiki> local dpl = {} dpl.pipe = '¦' local dataContentMarker = '`#@@#`' local usesInclude = {} -- Custom function for splitting a string because mw.text.split() is waaay too slow local function split( str, pattern, plain ) local res = {} continue = true local startIndex = 1 while continue do local i, j = string.find( str, pattern, startIndex, plain ) if i then table.insert( res, string.sub( str, startIndex, i-1 ) ) startIndex = j + 1 else table.insert( res, string.sub( str, startIndex ) ) continue = false end end return res end -- Also custom function for speed local function trim( str ) return string.match( str, '^%s*(.-)%s*$' ) end local escapeChars = { ['{'] = '{', ['\180'] = '{', -- Wtf dpl... ['}'] = '}', ['\181'] = '}', ['['] = '[', [']'] = ']', ['|'] = '|', ['-'] = '‐', ['\226'] = '', ['\157'] = '', } local function escape( str ) -- the \226\157\180\181 are used to match ❴ (U+E29DB4) and ❵ (U+E29DB5) wich are 3 bytes long so -- we can't use them directly inside [] patterns. Ustring would fix this but it's way too slow. str = string.gsub( str, '[{}%[%]|%-\226\157\180\181]', escapeChars ) return str end local unEscapeChars = { ['{'] = '{', ['}'] = '}', ['['] = '[', [']'] = ']', ['|'] = '|', ['‐'] = '-' } local function unEscape( str ) str = string.gsub( str, '&#%d+;', unEscapeChars ) return str end local function removeFormattingSettings( query ) local toRemove = { 'mode', 'table', 'tablerow', 'tablesortcol', 'headingmode', 'headingcount', 'listattr', 'itemattr', 'hlistattr', 'hitemattr', 'userdateformat', 'shownamespace', 'escapelinks', 'titlemaxlength', 'replaceintitle', 'columns', 'rows', 'rowsize', 'rowcolformat', 'resultsheader', 'resultsfooter', 'oneresultheader', 'oneresultfooter', 'noresultsheader', 'suppresserrors', 'noresultsfooter', 'format' } for _, k in ipairs( toRemove ) do query[k] = nil end end local function formatInclude( query ) query = split( query, ',', true ) local count = #query for i = 1, #query do if query[i]:match( '%b{}' ) then -- Check if we are including a template local templateName, params = query[i]:match( '{(.-)[¦|}]([^,]*)' ) if params:find( '%S' ) then params:gsub( '^:%-', '' ) query[i] = string.format( '{%s}%s', templateName, params ) for _ in params:gmatch( ':' ) do count = count + 1 end else query[i] = string.format( '{%s¦DPLlua helper}', templateName ) -- Use a helper template to get all the parameters of our included template end end end return table.concat( query, ',' ), count end local function formatDpl( query ) local queries = {} local count = query.count or 500 local offset = query.offset or 0 local _usesInclude = false query.count = nil query.offset = nil -- We use table format when the include parameter is used to make sure we can -- differentiate between the results in case more than one item is included local dplStringInclude = [=[ {{#dpl: |noresultsheader = @@ |count=%s |offset=%s |%s |table=, |tablerow=%s }}]=] -- Table format requires an include statement so we use format instead. -- This is also a lot faster than adding an empty include statement local dplStringNoInclude = [=[ {{#dpl: |noresultsheader = @@ |count=%s |offset=%s |%s |format=,¦-¦[[%%PAGE%%¦]],, }}]=] -- Auto generate more than one dpl if count > 500 -- The results of these are later combined for i = 1, math.ceil( count / 500 ) do local params = {} local includeCount = 0 for k, v in pairs( query ) do if k == 'include' then v, includeCount = formatInclude( v ) _usesInclude = true end table.insert( params, k .. '=' .. tostring( v ):gsub( '|', '¦' ) ) end if _usesInclude then table.insert( queries, string.format( dplStringInclude, count > 500 and 500 or count, offset, table.concat( params, '\n|' ), string.rep( dataContentMarker..'%%'..dataContentMarker..',', includeCount ) ) ) else table.insert( queries, string.format( dplStringNoInclude, count > 500 and 500 or count, offset, table.concat( params, '\n|' ) ) ) end count = count - 500 offset = offset + 500 end table.insert( usesInclude, _usesInclude ) return table.concat( queries ) end local function toTable( query ) local _usesInclude = table.remove( usesInclude, 1 ) local res = {} query = query:gsub( '<p>Extension:DynamicPageList .-</p>', function(item) res.error = item; return '' end) if not query:match( '^@@' ) then -- @@ is used when no result is found if _usesInclude then query = query:gsub( '\127\'"`UNIQ%-%-nowiki%-%x+%-QINU`"\'\127', function(item) return '<nowiki>' .. mw.text.unstripNoWiki( item ) .. '</nowiki>' end ) query = query:gsub( dataContentMarker..'(.-)'..dataContentMarker, escape ) query = query:gsub( '{|.-|%-', '') -- Remove the header of the table -- Replace the footer of the table width a row indicator. This effectively -- combines the output of multiple dpl queries when count > 500 query = query:gsub( '|}', '|-' ) end query = trim( query ) query = split( query, '|-', true ) -- Results of the returned pages are separated by |- for _, v in ipairs( query ) do if v:match( '%S' ) then v = trim( v ) local title = v:match( '^|%[%[(.-)|' ) local dataList = v:match( '^|.-|.-|(.*)' ) -- This is everything after the title if not _usesInclude then if title and title ~= '' then table.insert( res, title ) end else -- When multiple includes are used (e.g. include={Template1},{Template2}) its results are separated by a pipe dataList = split( dataList, '|', true ) local _dataList = {} for _, dataItem in ipairs( dataList ) do dataItem = unEscape( dataItem ) -- When we include an entire template we use the %ARGS% parameter supplied by dpl. -- However all | characters are repaced with §, e.g.: -- §nameLessParam -- §param = text [[wowee§link text]] -- §param2 = text {{something§something else}} dataItem = dataItem:gsub( '%b{}', function(x) return x:gsub( '§', '|' ) end ) -- Restore pipe characters inside links and templates dataItem = dataItem:gsub( '%b[]', function(x) return x:gsub( '§', '|' ) end ) dataItem = trim( dataItem ) if dataItem:match( '§' ) then -- Check if we included a template dataItem = split( dataItem, '§', true ) local _dataItem = {} for i, item in ipairs( dataItem ) do if i ~= 1 then -- skip first item as it is a false empty string created by splitting on § when the string started with a § if item:find( '=' ) then -- Check if the parameter is named or unnamed local param, value = item:match( '^%s*(.-)%s*=%s*(.-)%s*$' ) _dataItem[ param ] = value else table.insert( _dataItem, trim( item ) ) end end end dataItem = _dataItem end table.insert( _dataList, dataItem ) end if title and title ~= '' then table.insert( res, { title=title, include=_dataList } ) end end end end end return res end -- Accepts a series of tables each containig the settings for a dpl query. -- Combinig multiple dpl queries yields better performance than doing them sequentially function dpl.ask( ... ) local queries = { ... } for i = 1, #queries do removeFormattingSettings( queries[i] ) queries[i] = formatDpl( queries[i] ) end queries = table.concat( queries, '$@µ@$' ) local time = os.clock() queries = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess( queries ) time = os.clock() - time queries = split( queries, '$@µ@$', true ) for i = 1, #queries do queries[i] = toTable( queries[i] ) queries[i].time = time end return unpack( queries ) end return dpl -- </nowiki>