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Sometimes confused with "healing", Regeneration is a term used to describe the ability of some individuals to heal from grave and deadly injuries with their lives intact.


The user can rapidly regenerate. In other words, they recreate lost or damaged tissues, organs and limbs, sometimes slowing, or even stopping aging. The rate and amount of healing varies widely (see Levels of Regeneration); some can regrow missing limbs, others must put the limb back in place for rapid regeneration. The user is generally in very good physical shape, as their bodies are constantly reverting to a healthy state, granting them nigh-inexhaustible stamina and vitality.

At higher levels, user can regenerate not just their cellular tissues, but also their DNA, undoing genetic mutations and breakdown, as well as maintaining one's youth by extending telomeres. This also gives them immunity to diseases and infections, undoing any unwanted symptoms, as well as providing a form of self-sustenance, foregoing the needs for oxygen and food intake. If advanced enough, the ability will cause the body to cease aging as the cells are regenerating and dying in equilibrium, granting immortality.

It differs from Accelerated Healing in that it can, in fact, repair and regenerate entire cells and separated limbs in a range of time. Certain characters can completely recover lost limbs in seconds whereas others take some time to regenerate brains or other complex body parts.



  • Absorbing Regeneration: Regenerate by absorbing matter/energy to empower regeneration process or transform matter/energy directly into their own mass.
  • Accelerating Regeneration: Increases the speed of regenerative power each time they are wounded.
  • Adaptive Regeneration: Adapt to bodily harm as you regenerate.
  • Body Recreation: User can recreate their body from scratch.
  • Healing Trance: Undergo a trance, allowing the user’s body to heal without danger. One with this ability may generate an aura of healing energy, a psychic aura which accelerates the healing process, or a defensive aura to prevent further damage. In the first case, the life energy required may be absorbed from outside areas. In the second case, the energy comes from the mind. In the third case, the aura levitates the user and matches any outside force so as to be impenetrable by potentially-harmful outside forces.
  • Magical Regeneration: Regenerate through the aid of magic.
  • Mechanical Regeneration: Regenerate through the aid of any type of of machinery.
  • Mental Regeneration: Regenerate from any damage done to mind, including brain damage, brain disease, etc.
  • Nerve Regeneration: (Neural Regeneration, Nervous System Regeneration) Regenerate one’s nerves (which usually are incapable of regeneration) and to return them back to their original state after harm. The user could use this ability to resist being stunned, going unconscious, going into shock from intense pain or permanently losing sensation in any part of the body.
    • This ability may grant immunity to paralysis, stroke, mental disability or the like, if the entire nervous system can regenerate.
  • Psychic Regeneration: Regenerate using psychic powers.

Levels of Regeneration

  • Type I
    • Healing may be unreliable, either failing or have a limit on how many times it can be used.
    • May come at a cost, such as accelerating cellular division and aging to close up the wound.
    • May require a certain condition to activate regeneration, such as the consumption of blood.
    • Regeneration may be limited to a certain part of the body, instead of the whole.
  • Type II
    • Minor wounds such as cuts, bruises and light burns heal faster than normal.
    • Recovering from minor to moderate blood loss.
    • Critical wounds such as lost limbs, damaged nerves, and internal organs cannot be regenerated, as wounds would simply close up faster and lost organs remain lost.
    • Cells that are fatally damaged, such as by burning, cannot be regenerated, resulting in permanent scarring.
  • Type III
    • External wounds, including fractured bones and deeper burns, may heal at an accelerated rate, disregarding severity.
    • Cellular and genetic damage is reduced, greatly extending the user's lifespan.
    • Lost limbs may be regenerated quickly or can be reattached.
    • Can survive severe blood loss.
    • Minor damaged internal organs may heal, but more severity may be beyond repair and may take more time to heal.
    • Nerves may remain damaged.
    • Tumorous cells may actually be multiplied via regeneration as they are considered living cells.
  • Type IV
    • Minor to moderate wounds heal near-instantaneously, appearing as though they never happened.
    • Lost limbs and internal organs may be completely regenerated.
    • Damaged nerves can be healed to a certain extent.
    • Cellular senescence is drastically reduced, if not completely halted, granting decelerated aging/eternal youth.
    • Critically and fatally damaged cells can regenerate, preventing scars.
    • User can regenerate as long as the head/brain is damaged to no more than a certain level.
    • Disease Immunity
    • User is near-completely unaffected by toxin or drugs.
    • Destruction of the head is one of the few sure methods to ensure the user of this level's death.
    • Healing strength may be so powerful, the blood is enriched with healing powers that can be used to heal others.
    • Tumorous cells may actually be multiplied via regeneration as they are considered living cells.
  • Type V
    • Cellular regeneration and rejuvenation would be so powerful, the user would be close to true immortality.
    • Brain cells and nerves can be completely repaired, to the point of keeping the mind intact.
    • Decapitation can be reduced in effectiveness as the user can reattach their heads and seal the cut.
    • Contaminant Immunity
    • User is forever in their optimal health and physical prime.
    • Tumorous cells will be healed to the point of returning to their optimal, healthy form.
    • The only way to inflict long term exhaustion and injury on the user is to use attacks faster than the speed of regeneration at a repeated rate.
  • Type VI
    • User may regenerate completely as long as one cell or even molecule remains intact.
    • Decapitation would be pointless as user can regenerate a head, or the head can regenerate a whole new body.
    • Impossible to exhaust or permanently injure, regardless of attack speed.
    • Removal of soul or temporal erasure are the only methods of killing the user.
  • Type VII
    • User may regenerate even if their body and soul are completely destroyed.
    • Complete destruction results in complete restoration.
    • Physical, mental, spiritual, and temporal states will restore to full without fail.
    • Only possible method to truly kill the immortal is to first find a method to negate regeneration.

Associated Powers


  • Damage inflicted by Irreversible Destruction cannot be regenerated.
  • Function of power:
  • Instant death may kill the user before they regenerate.
  • Damage to the brain/head:
    • Decapitation/destroying the head can kill low-level users. High-level users can re-attach their head or regenerate a new head/body. Cephalophore users are unaffected.
    • If regeneration needs brain signals, damage may hinder the process.
    • May lose skills, senses, memories, or other powers. Loss may be permanent.
  • Healing may not include Pain Suppression.
    • May also involve inflammation.
  • If power is biological:
    • Biological Manipulation.
    • Excessive cell division may damage mitochondria and/or telomeres, causing premature aging and associated health problems. Mitochondria/Telomere Regeneration solves this problem.
    • Healing too fast may cause DNA replication errors, resulting in mutations, cancer, or the gain/loss/alteration of powers (including this power).
  • Disease:
    • May still be vulnerable to disease.
    • May overload immune response, causing allergy/auto-immunity.
    • Power may replace immune system. User never develops natural immunity, and is vulnerable if de-powered.
  • Sustenance:
    • Self-Sustenance bypasses this limitation.
    • May still require food, water, air, etc.
    • Regeneration may increase nutrition requirements.
    • Starvation, dehydration, and suffocation may kill user.

Pages in category "Regeneration"

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